Case study - Sims Metal
16 Jul 2024
Published in: Member News
Sims Metal had reached the end of their printer and MFD contracts. They had little time to market and engage with suppliers. We helped them make a cost saving, and find a new supplier that engaged with them about their contractual terms and conditions before it was implemented.
Sims Metal had reached the end of their current contract and had very little time to go to market, engage with suppliers for the renewal of their MFD fleet. The brief was set to ensure the same fleet of manufacturers products were sourced when looking for the new printers and MFD's, whilst reducing the number of devices they had and required due to the change number of staff on site and hybrid working, but to also ensure improved efficiency and cost control.
What we did
We worked with the ICT Manager and Procurement team to assess the volume throughput on the current devices, then drill down as to what models were required in each location across their UK sites, the number of machines went down by around 25% so, proposals were sourced to get the exact specification and contractual value for the company.
After a period of negotiations the customer choose a new supplier who were not specifically associated to one manufacturer, who then provided the required devices, set up and delivery along with a service contract to support them for the next 5 years. The outcome was not only one of a cost benefit to the customer, but also allowed them to engage with the new supplier to ensure all of their contractual terms and conditions were discussed and approved before the implementation could then be put into place.
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