Make your voice heard by participating in the Quarterly Economic Survey

Together we create a powerful voice to lobby to local and national Government to overcome business challenges and embrace opportunities.

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What is the Quarterly Economic Survey?

As the most authoritative national business confidence survey, and the first to be published in each quarter, the results of this survey are closely watched by both HM Treasury and the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee and help to inform decisions that impact upon interest rates and business policy.

The survey itself has reliably anticipated the onset of the two recessions since the early 1990s before they began and continues to act as a reliable indicator of national and regional economic performance. The Black Country Chamber of Commerce uses the results of the survey to inform upon detailed economic performance and trends throughout the local region and beyond.

How can I contribute?

The survey consists of tick-box questions that cover several aspects of your business, such as employment, sector, investment and external factors, and should take you approximately three minutes to complete. Please note that no detailed information is required and the survey itself is completely anonymous.

How are the survey results released?

As a Chamber, we communicate the results of this survey to our Members through a variety of channels, beginning with our Black Country QES Data Reveal. Attend this event to be the first to hear the latest Black Country data, alongside the national data, to give you the picture of the local and national economy.

Can’t attend the Data Reveal? Don’t worry, we publish the report and accompanying infographic on our website and also seek to distribute these directly to our Members, making sure that they remain abreast of economic trends within the region.

Black Country Chamber Quarterly Economic Survey Results