Coinadrink Limited teams up with its customers to raise money for our NHS!

11 Jul 2022

Published in: Member News

The fundraising activity was the most successful the vending company has ever hosted.

Coinadrink Limited, the West Midlands vending machine company, is not averse to charity work and fundraising, so it’s no surprise to hear that we took part in the annual “Big Tea” event in support of our NHS once again.

This years’ event went a bit differently for us, however. Inviting our Express Refreshments’ Micro Market customers to take part in our fundraising saw us smash our target and raise more money than we ever have before.

For those who aren’t aware of the event, the “Big Tea” is hosted annually on the 5th July across the entire nation to raise both awareness and funds for everyone that makes up our wonderful NHS.

This includes the staff, volunteers, and patients.

Coinadrink Limited first took part in the event last year. We raised over £55 for the NHS that day, which we thought was a great effort given that many of our staff were still home working.

2022 saw us more determined than ever, though. Not only did we want to beat last years’ figure, but we also set a target of £100 to reach. To help with our efforts, we invited our Express Refreshments Micro Market customers to join in, pledging to donate 20p from every hot drink sold in the markets.

So, how did we do?

We’re thrilled to say that together, we raised an incredible £163.20 for the NHS, made up of £126 from our own team and £37.20 from the 186 hot drinks our Micro Market customers purchased collectively on the day.

This not only means we smashed our initial target, but also makes it the most successful single fundraising activity we have ever hosted.

We think fundraising activities like the “Big Tea” event bring our staff (and in this case our customers!) together whilst also helping to achieve big things for some wonderful charities.

These morale boosting events are always well received by our team, as the display of delicious cakes and treats for 2022 again emphasised. They went down beautifully with the tea and coffee from our own vending and hot drinks machines!

We just want to say a big thank you to everyone who got involved, we really couldn’t have done it without you all.

Submitted by Alistair from Coinadrink Limited
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