Five great reasons why a vending machine is a fantastic employee perk.

19 Aug 2022

Published in: Member News

Employee perks matter, so you want to make sure yours provide meaningful value to your staff and your business.

75% of staff from a recent survey said that they are more likely to stay with an employer because of the employee benefits package on offer. Feeling happy and appreciated in our place of work is vital, which you should be making sure your team have access to employee perks that are both meaningful and valuable.

Looking for some inspiration or ideas? Here are five great reasons why a vending machine is a fantastic employee perk.

1) High-quality refreshments.

Sometimes the best ideas and implementations are the simplest. Refreshments including tea and coffee have always been a key part of the working day here in the UK, so why not analyse your current facilities and see if they could be upgraded for the benefit of your team?

A vending machine in 2022 is far from what you perhaps think. With unprecedented levels of innovation at your fingertips, you can now enjoy fresh bean coffee, fresh leaf tea and a whole lot more. The perfect upgrade to that ageing kitchen kettle, keeping staff on site for their break and lunch times.

2) Convenient.

Whilst the technology has rapidly developed, certain characteristics and benefits of the vending machine have remained. Primarily, a vending machine is wholly convenient, with self-service functionality that vends what you want in less than 30 seconds!

This is far quicker, and too hygienic, than using that kitchen kettle we mentioned. With such speedy dispense times, your staff won’t need to risk heading over their allocated break times to get what they want.

And with our operated vending service, the convenience is taken further with all replenishment and maintenance taken care of by Coinadrink.

3) Improves morale.

The main purpose of an employee perk is to make staff feel happy and appreciated in the workplace. This is why a vending machine is the perfect solution because who wouldn’t want a great cup of tea, speciality coffee, healthier snacks, and tasty treats on demand?

A vending machine is a great way for staff to take a break and recharge their batteries. This is why they are ideally located in canteens and breakout areas. It also represents a brilliant focal point for communication, which improves staff relationships and only strengthens morale.

4) Flexibility.

Explore alternative refreshment solutions and you may find them to be quite rigid and not well suited to your specific requirements. A vending machine on the other hand can work for almost any business, whether that’s a small office or a busy manufacturing depot.

Lots of our customers add a vending machine or machines to a breakout area, but you can install one almost anywhere where there is a power supply. This includes reception areas to welcome visitors or in a corridor for certain departments to have easier access to refreshments.

A vending machine is also flexible in the type of products it can dispense. This isn’t just the standard snacks or cold drinks. Talk to us about more niche requests such as a machine to vend books, tools, PPE and more.

5) Cost-effective.

A good employee perk needs to be as enticing to your business as it is to your team. A vending machine from Coinadrink contains minimal overheads, as we finance all our equipment before you can choose to buy or rent it from us, with our optional operated service.

With terms to suit your budget and preference, talk to our team about how we can make the vending experience work for your business.

Submitted by Alistair from Coinadrink Limited
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