YMCA Recruits Local Companies to Sleep Rough So Others Don't Have To
14 Feb 2024
Published in: Member News
Sponsored Sleep Out to raise money for Youth Homelessness across the Black Country
For one night only, Black Country residents and businesses will sleep out overnight, to raise awareness and vital funds to combat youth homelessness across our area.
YMCAs across the country will be sleeping out Friday 8th March, with the local Black Country event taking place in Merry Hill Car Park. Participants receive two boxes to create their shelter for the night and although this isn’t a true reflection of how homeless people live, we hope to give an insight into how it feels to not have a safe place to call home.
YMCA has already had commitment from a number of local businesses, including Collins Aerospace, Higgs LLP and PMP Consultants who will be sending teams to join; in addition to kind donations from Chapman's Electrical and A&E Services.
Steve Bavington, CEO of YMCA Black Country Group said,
“The efforts and money raised from our Sleep Easy event last year completely blew us away. In a time of uncertainty and impossible personal challenges, communities adapted and united to help those most in need and managed to raise over £20,000 for us.
“We are calling on our community to continue this support for young homeless people struggling right now, to show them that we care, that we are there for them, and to highlight the overwhelming difference this can make to people’s lives.
“We know from our own experience over the past 130 years that without the support offered by YMCA, many more vulnerable young people would be left without a place to call home. Please join us in Sleep Easy 2024 by participating, donating, and nominating others to spread the word: one night can make a lifetime of difference.”
YMCA Black Country Group has hosted Sleep Easy events since 2010 and has raised well over £75,000 in that time. Money brought in has helped to provide YMCA residents access to a Moving Forward Fund, which allows them to purchase essential items for their move on from YMCA, such as white goods, interview clothes or qualifications.
If you would like to join YMCA this year, register your page and start fundraising today. For more information, please email grace.maddocks@ymcabc.org.uk
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